Friday, January 13, 2006

Can You Defend Your Faith

“Defend your faith!" That was a statement I heard many times growing up in church and youth group. But I was thinking about that statement recently and was wondering what that really means. Can I truly defend my faith? I may have heard it growing up in a Christian environment but I don’t think that it is limited to there. I grew up next to a family that was Muslim and as kids playing together we didn’t really know the differences in our faiths until one day we talked about who Jesus was. Even as a 10 yr old we both felt compelled to “defend our faiths” and I tried, to whatever extent a 10yr old could interact with another one on that level, to defend my faith. But the very nature of the word faith implies a belief in something we can not prove. So if we each have our own faiths can we truly defend it? Do you believe you can truly defend your faith, whatever that might be? Even if you are an atheist you to must feel inclined to defend what you believe and since there is no proof that there is no God even someone who believes in nothing believes that by faith. So I ask the questions again hoping someone will tell me. Can you truly defend a belief that has no evidence for existing therefore it is a belief that can come only by faith?


Greg McKelvey said...

hi man good start, and i hope you will keep postoing and pray for you!


David Baxley said...

Thanks! Hope to hear from you more.

David Best said...

The Pope said it
I believe it
and that's that
; )

pat said...

Religious people are obligated to defend their faiths because their faiths conflict with reality. And because they fell a need to push their beliefs on others, frequently to devestating results.

Secular humanists and Brights rely on reason, observance and experience, not faith.

David Best said...

pat, that part about devestating results, you are so right, I'm really sorry for what people that call themsleves Christians have done, maybee even to you.

David Baxley said...

Pat, I to am sorry for what christians have done or said to you. It sounds like you are very angry at people who have faith. Is your frustration with all those who believe in something that you don't or is there something that specifically bothers you about christians?