Monday, January 30, 2006

The Emerging Church Part 1

I have been reading and hearing more about what some call “The Emerging Church”. Larry King as talked about it, Newsweek did an article about it and many others both secular and Christian have been talking about it. Just about every time it is talked about the discussion opens with the question: “What is The Emerging Church?” I have some thought on it but I am curious about what you know, or think about his “new” thing. First of all I am not out to speak against it. I am curious about what others think about it. How do you define it? What is it to you? I am doing some more reading on it right now so my thoughts will come with my next post. But before I do, as part of my research let me know what it is to you or to those that you know. Have you ever been to or been apart of an Emerging Church? Let me know!


David Best said...

The Emerging Church is not. (that is not a typo) You don't go to a dinner party and ask, "what is this dinner party's position on X." Dinner parties don't have positions, they are a group of people having a conversation.

Here are some good non-definations

I still like the post David, they are good questions, and if your new to this, I hope you will not be overly swayed by what the above links.

But at the same time, recognise that most people outside the EC conversation want it to have definations, and boundaries, and those inside it are having none of it. Try and dialog on their terms, it is their conversation afterall.

David Best said...

p.s. or maybee it's your conversation, I shouldnt assume too much.

Anonymous said...

If you ask me, it's just another version of the seeker sensitive movement, the reformation, whatever church movement you name. Instead of a fundamentalist worldview, it uses the postmodern worldview. It's just another way to "do" church.

David Baxley said...

David and Joey Thanks for the thoughts. I am not asking for a definded thought like you were mentioning. I like your example a lot about being a dinner party. I have read many different views from "inside" the movement. I am looking for peoples thought and experiences, like Joey's (Thanks) Not looking for an answer just thoughts and maybe more questions as well.