Monday, June 16, 2014

The Need For Art In Worship/Church

A fellow worship leader/pastor wrote a discussion blog about the role of art in the church. You can see what he wrote here. Below are my thoughts on the subject and response to his blog post.

Art is so powerful and I believe it is a much needed tool and element for churches and times of worship. As I look back through the Old Testament, even before music was a major part of worship in the tabernacle art pieces dominated the worship scene. With the power of symbolism being passed down from God, pieces of art like the ark of the covenant, alters,

tapestry, wood carvings etc where things created to be used in worship under specific desires and directions from God. Looking forward to the building of the temple we see how powerful art and forms of beauty built and created for worship was significant to God as he gave great detail to these things in his instructions in the building of His house of worship.

Physical art has been a significant part of worship since God first encountered his people and I believe even has more potential and power to lead in worship then music alone. As the saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words". I believe symbolism and art has a power to connect with the soul and lead in worship in powerful ways, and based on what I see in scripture, I think God sees this as well. 

Due to the Protestant Reformation many moved away from anything that even felt like Catholicism and the Evangelical world lost the powerful use of art. However it's a loss we do not have to accept. We can return to values the early church had for art without making it an idol like seen in some historical aspects of Catholicism. 

I think the important thing for any artist in the church world to remember is that art in the church will always have a different standard and purpose then art outside of the church. Art in the church must, just like in the Old Testament, point people to God and be something people can understand and connect with. Art outside of the church is for the artist to say whatever they want and if their audiences misses it's meaning or purpose that's ok. But in the church art always has a purpose and
value to communicate in a way that points people to God and brings revelation of truth. I think this point is often missed by many artist in the church and is why many struggle with the role of art and artist in the church.

What we need is leaders who see the biblical value and significance for art in worship and the church but can shepherd and lead the artist to fulfill their calling as artists that point people to the creator of it all, the Creator God!

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